Friday, January 23, 2009

Don't just repeat a prayer, but actually repent...

Here I go again on another rant. This time it is the "sinners prayer" or otherwise known as the "invitation system".
People there are a lot of wrong teachings out in the Christian church and this is probably on top of the list.
I am amazed at all of the people that get "saved" at youth rally's and big evangelistic outreaches every year and yet you never hear from them again. I have been involved with people during my times out evangelizing and you would be surprised by all of the so called "Christians" who said a prayer and thought they were saved. Only because the preacher said they were. I have been invited to a local food ministry a couple of times to preach. Each time I went, the person in charge would say "don't forget to present the invitation". Well, needless to say I haven't been invited back in a while. I also found out from some friends who also ministered there that they haven't heard back either. You see the only invitations we hear from Jesus is "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and follow me. He never lead any of the disciples in a "sinners prayer" when He met them. They just believed and followed. Paul never used an invitation system. John the baptist called the people a brood of vipers. Hum how many "got saved" from that message?
The history of this fallacy of the sinner's prayer began with none other than Charles G. Finney. Too many a hero in the faith, but if you did the research you would find he helped to bring down the very movement that God started in the great awakenings.
I don't have the time to go into all of the basis of this, so I would encourage you to do the research yourselves. Don't just take my word on it, find out.
There is some great articles on the net. Go to YouTube and type in sinner's prayer. You can find some videos of people who once said the sinners prayer when they were little only to realize as they got older that they weren't "saved".
Banner of Truth has some good information on this also.
Ian Murray wrote an article that is distributed by Banner of Truth.
Now don't get me wrong there are those who may have said the prayer and really did mean it.
Yet there are still a lot more out there that didn't.

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