"Every eye open and every head looking up. Now pray this prayer after me. Our Father who is in heaven praise to your holy name. I ask that your kingdom come into my life right now just as it is in heaven. Forgive me my trespasses and sins as I should forgive others.
Give to me this day your grace to say yes to Jesus. Who died on the cross for my being a wretch of a person that I am. I realize you are my only hope for salvation and deliverance from death. I plead to you now in all my heart, please let me live! In Jesus name Amen!"
I felt that after all of these years how people still use the sinner's prayer why not use one that would really be more accurate and have some scripture in it.
We are so quick to use new things and yet we sometimes forget that the gospel is all we need. So of course I am not advocating using this as a means to get people saved. I just felt led to post this as it is what I would really like to tell people when they ask me to give the invitation. Needless to say after numerous times of preaching at places they stopped calling me. I feel it was because I wouldn't give the "invitation".
This whole blog post is just a thought out of my head. You are welcome to comment on what is written or better yet come up with your own new updated version of the sinner's prayer and post it in the comments.
What about preaching the gospel, and giving an "invitation" for people to be baptized? Isn't that what we see in scripture?
Never seen that actually done before, I wonder...
That's to simple!
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